Thursday, November 19, 2009

City boy meets outback

So I officially started my travel Kim AKA Oregon as we headed off to tazzy (spelt like this on purpose).

We managed to hitch a ride to the location that was the start of our hiking trip right across tazzy, as we got closer to the location i continue to find out things that I didn’t no about the hike such as instead of being 65k it would be 85k and there would be no guide which I was informed otherwise before (Kim) and THIS WOULD BE DONE IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WERE!!!!! And I mean now were.

The trek would take us across tazzy mainly through the mountains and we would stop at camp sites to camp, camp rest and refill 4 water.

Anyway as we stated off doing a quick shop for the weeks food supply literally the morning we left for the hike, we then packed up our bags carrying not only the stuff that we would need for the trip but for the 5 other weeks.. BIG MISTAKE.

The hike started and all was good the bags were heavy but we was happy the weather was amazing and the views were unbelievable. So after a hiking for couple of hours the realization and what this trip involved set in as back and feet started to hurt... BADLY!!!

I then realise what i had let my self in for as the severity of the trip set in this trip was going to be immense.

Anyway we got to the camp site about 6 hours after setting off and the relief is unexplainable, but we were still so proud of what we had achieve. (remember that this was still the first day)
Day two begin with me being woke up from a loud noise which when I looked around I could see that a KANGAROO had managed to pull my bag half way out the tent and had eaten HALF THE BREAD THAT I HAD CARRIED FOR THE WHOLE OF THE previous day so that it would not damage. (just my luck). And to my dismay the damn thing had got to quite a bit of it.
We had decided to do two legs on this day instead of one that was recommended as we could miss our flight if we attempted to do it in six days. As we continue through out the day we saw more people who told us we only had couple hours to go which really gave us hope, but as we later found out was not really the case as we were still not there after hiking for 5 hours. DEATH!!!!!!

Although the views and tranquillity still mange to amaze and make it well worth it.

The next couple of days were hard but we still manage to make it, then on the third day we decided to take on a side trail and attempt to climb and MASSIVE mountain. At the start it seem like a good idea but as we trekked on for about an hour and got nearer to the top we encounter snow (lots of it, feet deep) this was mountain top snow and because we were so high the fog was making it impossible to see more than a couple of feet in front of you.

After a couple of minutes of this I realise that this trip was CRAZY in these conditions, and we could no see the markers that tell us which way to go and almost every step I took I would sink up to my knees, and also the fact that there was a drop into the abyss beside me, and wise old German man had warned us that it was to deep and would be dangerous.
Anyway I convinced Kim that I valued my life more than seeing the top of a mountain, and she finally gave in (or she would have keep on going).

So i am not going to bore you with all the other details of what happen but i will tell you about two other bit that we found interesting.

The first was a old German couple and one German, the man seem to be able to move at unbelievable rate that we was unable to keep up and he had a daughter that was 50 so no idea how old he was, he mange to stay in front of us every day unbelievable!!!

The other German couple took double the time every day because they was so old but they continue to prevail never complaining and always with a smile on their face and the unforgettable Coles bag in tow.
Anyway we made it to the end and were so happy it was over, it was an amazing and unforgettable trip.

O and before I forget we made no plans for what we do when we finished so ended up trying to hitch a ride to the city, but only managing to make 5k down the road and then having to hitch a ride back lol (and of course I was not in sight when trying to get this ride lol big black trying to stop your car in the middle of no were).

We made it to the airport to the next day and manage to change flights so off to Sydney wooo!!!

Cya London

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