I have been here for 14 weeks now and have 3 weeks left of uni before I set out on my first travelling adventure round oz. Not going to board you with everything that has happen in that time but here’s a fraction of what happen so far:
Started uni and the lectures are very long, but apart from that there ok. The dorm on the other hand are missive in comparison with mine in oxford and it is in fact a semi detached house I share with 9 other people one international student and 7 Aussies. The house is self cater all the rooms are massive and there are lot of bathrooms and a free washing machine and dryer… yea
Everything is going good here I just got my laptop charger on Friday so now I have internet after not having it for 6 WEEKS. The weather is not the best but it is warmer than England and I am looking forward to summer. I have met lots of new people, in particular American's, because there are so many on exchange. You would not believe how hard it is to find seasoning for food and if I manage to find it is in the smallest jar.
Still getting used to how far everything is. When they say "it’s just down the road" it’s not just down the road!! I will never complain about London transport again as there is no 24hour transport.... buses and trams run like every 2 an hour.... but apart from that everything is good. I have started using the aussie lingo.. such as calling a quilt a doona.. Calling flip flops thongs which gave me the biggest shock when the lecturer said no thongs allowed on hike! Everyone is complaining that I mumble allot and also that I whinge.. But I think it’s the real English man coming out in me.
I hope everything is good back in England, thinks are finally starting to look up here in OZ the whether is getting better and finally did a bit of travelling even if it was only for a weekend. The term is also most over and it has gone so fast I been here for 11weeks already. Still don’t know were I am going when they kick me out the day after my last exam on the 15th of October, until I start travelling. There are no confirmed plans but will be travelling round OZ for the most of October and the whole of November, and then the world is my oyster.
Still finding my self laughing at how different everything is here… the other day I went into a shop to get some gluten free food and had to say it 10 time to the lady at the supermarket as my assuie mates just stood there and laugh, apparently its because I talk to fast….(me talk fast lol). The transport has not got any better as I continue to find as that certain services stop running at 9.30, madness I know.
Still trying to keep up with the lingo with sweets being called lollies just being on of the different examples. There is a drive through for everything such as coffee shops… there is even a alcohol drive through talk about ironic then you can drive out to see a sign saying “only a little bit you bloody idiot”I also found out that I don’t say TH and cant believe that no one in England has ever told me this.
The recent road trip was wicked and I love the driving everyone in the car could not understand why I was so happy to be driving a brand new car….lol.. got some wicked picture… I’m telling you that I am better than the paparazzi… check out some of the attached one…
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